$9.95. Easy2290.com charges $9.95 for filing Form 2290. If you do your due diligence, you will find that easy2290.com has the lowest cost and the best service.
Easy 2290 is an IRS certified service which allows you to electronically file Form 2290 in just a few minutes by following these steps:
Gather the following information: Employer Identification Number (EIN) as well as the number of your vehicle identification (VIN) as well as the tax-deductible weight of your vehicle. Be aware that your Social Security Number cannot be utilized.
Choose Easy 2290 as Your E-file provider: Visit www.easy2290.com.
Quarter 1 (Jan 1 - Mar 31): Due by April 30
Quarter 2 (Apr 1 - June 30): Due by July 31
Quarter 3 (Jul 1 - Sep 30): Due by October 31
Quarter 4 (Oct 1 - Dec 31): Due by January 31
Inability to complete Form 2290 in time can result in fines:
4.5% penalty on the total tax bill per month (up to 5 months).).
0.5% penalty if you fail to pay tax in time.
Pre-filing permits you to:
Beware of late fees and penalties.
You can get your Schedule 1 stamped in minutes
Verify compliance prior to renewal of registration
Keep an eye on IRS processing delays
Sign up on www.easy2290.com
Enter vehicle details (VIN, taxable weight, first-use month)
Select a payment option and then submit the form
Get your Schedule 1 stamped within a minute.
When the IRS form 2290 has been not accepted:
Examine the rejection notice carefully and look for any errors.
Correct the errors and correct the incorrect information.
Send your Form 2290 back electronically via Easy 2290.
Receive confirmation upon IRS acceptance.
Easy 2290 provides a smooth and error-free file submission experience, which means you don't need to be concerned about rejection.
The platform is user-friendly and provides a smooth process of filing
Filing accurately and efficiently with step-by-step instructions
Stress-free compliance without hassle to minimize the stress and burden of paperwork
Quick online registration and IRS-approved E-filing
Easy 2290 is able to accept multiple options for payment that are IRS-approved:
Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) (direct bank transfer)
Credit/Debit Card
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)